Oh, it's Monday all right
A very short entry before I go home and collapse.
On the ride to school Hannah asked me what I was doing today. I told her ordinary stuff, nothing special -- mainly figuring out how to mess people up. She smiled at that.
It turned out to be an ordinary Monday, events and equipment conspiring to mess me up.
• Bad pressure regulator on the main heat pump water circulator, putting 35 pounds of pressure on a system intended to run at 15. We caught it before any of the plastic hoses burst. We'll count that as a preliminary win.
• A deer took on a car in front of my parents' house. The deer lost, but crawled up to their bedroom window before expiring. Frost wrote, "When you have to go there, they have to take you in." Frost was wrong: I swung by to drag her back down to the curb so that the reluctant DPW crews would take her to her final resting place. (Just what does the city do with dead deer, anyway?)
• A failed power supply on Binghamton's transmitter took out their over-the-air audio. Drove down to help resolve it. They're back on the air with audio, although at reduced power. Drove back.
• The oscillator in Syracuse's studio-to-transmitter microwave died just as I got back to Syracuse. Hooray for backup equipment. But it failed too late in the day, so MRC can't get a replacement in tonight's Fedex shipment.
• Binghamton called back: part of their routing switcher just crapped out. It's probably 35 years old, made by a company called Telemation. Telemation was bought by Bell and Howell, which was bought by Utah Scientific, which was bought by Bosch and shut down. The employees bought the facility and ressurected Utah Scientific. I sure hope I don't have to drive back to Binghamton...
It's time to go home. Actually it's past time, and Hannah just called my cell as I was getting off the phone with Binghamton's engineer. Dinner's done, and nobody's smiling.
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