Maybe geese aren't so bad after all
My inbox is filling up with replies to a note from our radio stations in Durango Colorado:
Well this is just loads of fun! I'm looking for a suggestion for getting rid of rattle snakes (yes plural). While cad welding a ground strap to a tower this morning jake no neck decided to make an appearance. Once he was delt with, one of his buddies decided it was play time for him too. To me 2 snakes at same place at the same time indicates that there are usually more so I am looking for suggestions.
Several folks suggested chemical solutions like mothballs or snake repellants; others recommended a professional pest removal service. One reply pitched out the idea of feeding them mice, presumably to make them too full to be interested in people. But the overwhelming majority are voting for the manly approach: explosives. Shoot 'em, burn 'em, blow 'em up.
Who says broadcasting can't be fun?
Update: an hour later and the email keeps pouring in, but the general drift has shifted. Now I'm seeing suggestions for how to serve snake, and which side dishes best complement the meat. But it always comes back to practical violence: one fellow suggests using military flash-bang grenades to dispatch them and cook them in one easy step.
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