Journals of a soggy Maine vacation -- part three
One of the results of this weather is that some of the things we had hoped to do — kayaking, going for walks, visiting the beach — were replaced by indoor activities like shopping, reading, seeing a movie, or going to museums. It also meant that we spent more time in the car than normal, so Hannah got to spend more time getting to know her new digital camera. So today's pictures are from her!
This typifies our trip: soaked and sagging. We took the long way home after visiting the music box museum in Wiscasset and missed a turn, winding up in the middle of nowhere. Not that we really minded... we were just glad to be alive. The tour guide at the museum was a bit creepy — "We start by offering our guests a candy to begin their visit on a sweet note," he intoned while putting on white cotton gloves, making us more than a bit nervous about how the visit might end. A cross between Liberace and Freddy Krueger, disguised as a Dutch retired schoolteacher. Please ignore the moaning from the basement, it's merely our guests from last week.
We were not alone on the trip: accompanying us were Jewell (emphasis on the second syllable, please), a lamb who can go from placid to exuberant in 1.7 seconds (perhaps the caffeine has something to do with that)...
...and Woodrow Charles (Wood Chuck for short), a groundhog with a lively sense of humor and a breathless snicker that reminds me of Muttley, Dick Dastardly's cartoon sidekick.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am compelled to add that while Jewell is Hannah's, Woodrow is mine. He is a veteran of difficult business meetings and has helped me run the sound console at church. More even-tempered than I am, he has a somewhat better sense of proportion. He's also better looking.
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