Go fly a paraglider...
Not a whole lot of time to write today. The newsroom's going nuts: some Skaneateles fellow with too much time and money on his hands flew a paraglider into a tree and had to be rescued. We've been in breaking news mode ever since, interrupting The View (not a big loss) with a breathless live account of firefighters helping him climb back down.
You would think that coverage like this would be reserved for a much more substantial emergency: as one former 9 reporter used to say, a plane full of nuns and handicapped children crashing into Carousel Mall.
A practical problem with focusing this much time and attention on such a non-story is that you have reporters on the air for protracted periods, live, with nothing to talk about except the color of the victim's shorts and whether they were wearing a red ball cap or a yellow crash helmet at the time of impact.
It must be a very slow news day nationally: already we have fed this to ABC, CNN, and NNS. "The Middle-East exploded today, but first this breaking story just in from Skaneateles..."
Oh, bother.
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